Present: William Fuller
William Robinson
Ginger Conner
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm and the 3/04/09 minutes and 3/10/09 Department Payments to Treasurer were approved.
The BCBOHA spring dinner meeting announcement and agenda was noted.
DEP denied the variances requested at 48 Osceola Drive (Map 211 lot 18) which limits the building to two bedrooms.
The positive results of the water testing in the vicinity of the Becket General Store have been provided in hard copy and on a CD.
Written materials from the recent MOHA seminar were made available to members who were not at the seminar.
A Title 5 Inspection at 111 Blackfoot Way (Map 218 lot 114) was approved.
A long discussion about the new procedures submitted by Camp Lenox was held. Bill Elovirta was given a copy and will meet with the Board at the next meeting to discuss the procedures. A meeting with the Camp Director is scheduled for May 6th.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller